Direct Sun Exposure can greatly impact your health.

The warmth on your skin as you sit in direct sunlight unshaded can feel amazing!

Serotonin levels are increased when exposed to direct sunlight.

This increase in serotonin is what causes the warm fuzzy feeling you get when in direct sunlight.

Not only does direct sunlight increase serotonin levels it also aids in the production of vitamin D.

When natural sunlight reaches the skin, it triggers the body’s production of vitamin D.

Vitamin D is also known as “the sunshine vitamin.”

It is a crucial vitamin (ingredient) for overall health.

Vitamin D protects against inflammation, lowers high blood pressure, helps muscles, improves brain function, and may protect against some cancers.

Direct sun exposure can be beneficial for mental health.

Regular sun exposure has been shown to help people that suffer from mental health issues.

Direct sunlight is known to help fight depression.

In fact, there is evidence that people suffer more frequently from depression in regions that have low sunlight levels.

Vitamin D deficiency is widespread and increases risks for illness and disease.

Depending on where you live vitamin D deficiency can be a real problem.

In areas that do not get regular amounts of sunlight, it may be necessary to take vitamin D supplements.

Supplements can help to maintain the recommended levels of vitamin D.

Many people avoid direct sun exposure due to concerns of getting skin cancer.

Always wearing sunscreen when outdoors and avoiding direct sunlight has long been medically recommended.

Vitamin D

Take a second look at the importance of direct sun exposure.

Those recommendations have unfortunately created unintended consequences.

The over avoidance of direct sun exposure has led to large numbers of vitamin D deficient people.

As well and overexposure to numerous cancer-causing chemicals that are in most commercial sunscreen products.

In recent years the health risk associated with overuse of sunscreen and lack of sun exposure has become more known.

Many people are now reconsidering their avoidance of sun exposure and their overuse of sunscreen.

Get out and enjoy the sunshine!

Sunburn can be extremely painful and even dangerous in some cases.

It is not recommended to overexpose yourself to direct sunlight for long periods of time.

Especially during the most intense and extreme temperatures of the day.

However, there are ways to safely enjoy sun exposure, which at moderate levels is beneficial to overall health and wellness.

Wherever you live you should get out into the sun as often as possible.

Research shows that just 10-15 minutes of direct sun exposure a day will increase your vitamin D levels.

Sitting in your back yard or on your balcony in direct sunlight for just 10-15 minutes a day or as often as possible will drastically improve your mood and your health.

So, what are you waiting for?

Get outside and enjoy that wonderful feeling of direct sunlight on your skin!

Laying in the sun