For many years I suffered from severe undiagnosed stomach pain.

I visited several doctors and had many tests done yet nothing was found to be the source.

The constant pain continued and I knew that something was not right.

Constantly bloated I would often get excruciating pain in the pit of my stomach.

Eventually, the pain would pass and I would forget about it until the next episode.

Severe stomach pain

Over the course of several years at various times I was told that my symptoms were consistent with a stomach ulcer and then gallstones.

I followed the dietary suggestions for both conditions and at times I did feel some relief.

Then the pain would return and nothing I ate or avoided eating seemed to help.

Trying to help the situation I began making better health choices or so I thought, by eating more fruits and vegetables, limiting my intake of meat, and opting for wheat bread and corn tortillas.

It turned out that I did not have an ulcer but did test positive for H. Pylori, the bacteria that can lead to stomach ulcers and I was treated with antibiotics.

So many food allergies!

To my surprise, I also found out that I had numerous food allergies, to several of the “healthy alternatives” that I had opting for.

Food allergies

Among my many food allergies, I was found to have reactions to eggs, peanuts, corn, soy, and walnuts.

All of which I ate often and happened to really like so that was difficult for me to understand.

I did not test positive for a gluten allergy or have an allergic reaction to dairy.

However, I had known for years that I was lactose intolerant and no test was going to tell me otherwise.

Once I was given the food allergy report I was shocked, how could I be allergic to so many things.

It made no sense to me, these were foods that I had been eating for most of my life and never had any issues with them.

Growing up with allergies and Asthma I had allergy testing done so I knew I did not have these same allergies growing up.

I began researching food allergies and some of the causes of the increase in food allergies.

I was shocked and disheartened to discover the truth about our food system and what’s being done to our food that is causing so many food allergies and digestive health problems.

Finally, I had the answers.

After having an endoscopy done, I was finally diagnosed with severe chronic gastritis.

This diagnosis along with the food allergy testing results allowed me to make sense of all my pain and suffering.

Chronic gastritis is caused by inflammation and occurs over time.

It leads to wearing away at the stomach lining.

The symptoms for gastritis can vary but for me, I had frequent episodes of severe burning pain that would last for extended periods of time and then go away and I would feel better until the next episode.

Nausea was also a regular occurrence for me and I suffered from constant bloating and gas pains.

The road to recovery.

After learning about the practices taking place in the food industry and how those practices most likely are causing many people to suffer from food allergies and digestive issues, I realized I needed to start there.

I began switching to buying organic food.

Switching to organic food is important because of GMOs (Genetically Modified Organisms) and the overuse of pesticides used in the production of conventionally grown food. For more information on this topic please read

Taking probiotics was added to my daily routine.

The use of antibiotics especially if used frequently or for long periods of time causes a disruption in gut bacteria (both good and bad).

This can lead to an unhealthy gut that can wreak havoc on the body if left untreated.

Growing up taking antibiotics for various ear and respiratory infections I knew that this was part of my problem.

I have healed myself of the inflammation and chronic gastritis that plagued me for so long.

Here’s a list of things that I have done that have helped heal my gut naturally:

  • Switched to eating mostly organic food
  • Taking probiotics
  • Stopped drinking sodas
  • Added more fruits and vegetables to my diet
  • Reduced the amount of sugar I consume
  • Regular exercise
  • Limit consumption of over the counter medication

Everyone is different and will have different causes and treatments for their poor gut health.

I encourage anyone suffering from poor gut health and digestive pain to take a serious look at their diets and their daily practices and make changes where they can.

Gut health matters and has a huge impact on health and wellness!