The problem of too much clutter
Having too much clutter in your home can be very frustrating.
It has been said that the contents of a person’s home can say a lot about that person’s emotional or mental health.
Sometimes when a person has too much clutter and mess in their home, it can be reflective of inner conflict.
Apartment full of clutter
We all purchase things and hold onto material things for various reasons
It could be out of necessity.
It could also be out of the habit of spending or using shopping as an escape to compensate for emotional feelings or pain.
Many people make purchases without really considering the reason behind that purchase.
They don’t question if they have an actual need and purpose for that product.
This is often the case when spontaneously shopping or buying for comfort.
Splurging occasionally is not a bad thing
It is a good idea to treat ourselves to what makes us feel good, whether it’s something to wear, to use, or to enhance the appearance of our home.
There is a fine line between treating ourselves occasionally and becoming a compulsive shopper.
The problem comes in when you start to rely on the feelings that come from purchasing or getting something new or like new.
Even things that are given to you can end up adding to the clutter in your homes.
So to be fair to those of us that do enjoy the occasional shopping splurge, clutter doesn’t only come from making purchases.
Clutter can come from accumulating things that are given to us or our children, things that we find for free, things that we make, and things that we purchase.
Deciding to declutter your home
Whenever you decide to declutter your home or the home a loved one you must prepare yourself ahead of time.
There is often a lot of emotions surrounding the clutter and certain items within that clutter.
Items can trigger memories of situations or people, both positive and negative.
Sometimes it is difficult to let go of certain things because there are memories and emotions attached to those things.
It is necessary to allow yourself to feel those emotions inorder to release those emotions and make peace with them.
Children's toys at a yard sale
Small steps every day lead to big results
Depending on the amount of clutter and space that you need to clear out, it may take some time to declutter your home.
It might be best to set small goals and tackle areas and spaces in sections and take your time.
You don’t want to overwhelm yourself by trying to get it all done in a short period of time.
That will lead to frustration and possibly cause you to give up and postponed it all together.
It will help to remind yourself that your home did not get cluttered overnight and it will most likely not get resolved in one day either.
The most important thing is that you are taking steps to improve the situation.
Five ways that eliminating clutter can improve your health:
1. Decluttering your home can give you an incredible feeling of hope and positivity for the future.
2. You will free up space for new positive things to come into your life physically and mentally.
3. Giving things away that are no longer useful to you can feel good, knowing that someone else will make use of it rather than it just going to waste.
4. Opening space in your home can allow for the flow of air and light into your home.
5. Learning to let go of things from your past that no longer serve a purpose in your life is an extremely liberating and beneficial process.
It will be well worth it
I recently went through this process.
After years of needing to declutter some rooms in our home and our storage shed outback, we finally decided it was time and it had to be done.
We spent a whole weekend going through everything.
In the end, we were tired but very relieved that it was finally done.
It actually wasn’t that difficult and took less time and effort than we had anticipated and feared all those years.
We got rid of a lot of trash, gave away a lot of stuff, and found items that we could repurposed, and we use some materials in building our raised garden beds.
Decluttering was an all-around win for us!